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  1. 关于歧视、骚扰或报复的投诉和报告. 在任何情况下,都应鼓励投诉人以书面形式提出投诉. 如果投诉是口头的, the Director will prepare a statement of what it determines the complaint to be and will obtain verification from the complainant that the statement adequately sets forth the complaint. 符合UI调查的法律责任, 主任保留调查和解决歧视投诉或报告的权利, harassment, 或报复,无论投诉人是否希望继续投诉. The Director also reserves the right to report allegations of criminal behavior to the appropriate law enforcement officials. 
  2. Jurisdiction. 在开始调查之前, the Director will make an initial determination of whether the complaint falls within the purview of the Office of Civil Rights & Investigations, i.e., 投诉是否涉及非法歧视的指控, harassment, 包括性骚扰或报复, 以受保护的阶级为基础. 如果局长认为投诉不属于公民权利范围 & 在调查的职权范围内,他/她会酌情转介投诉人.
  3. Conflict Management. FSH 6240和6241扩展到调查人员之间的关系, complainants, 参与调查的被告和证人. 如果OCRI意识到潜在的冲突, 局长将评估是否可以用冲突管理计划来管理冲突.
  4. 选择合适的解决方案. Complainants will be informed of the availability of informal and formal resolution processes and will be directed to the website link for complaint resolution procedures. 如有要求,可提供打印本. The Director, 在与投诉人协商后, 将决定在每种情况下非正式或正式的解决过程是否合适, 根据投诉的具体情况. Generally, 更为严重和普遍的行为将需要使用正式的决议程序. 在投诉解决过程中的任何时候, the Director may, 由他或她自行决定, 确定非正式或正式的解决过程更合适,并实施它. In addition, 如果非正式程序未能在合理的时间内解决投诉, 署长可执行正式程序. 
  5. Confidentiality. 署长会尊重投诉人的私隐, 被起诉的个人, and the witnesses, 以符合其法律义务的方式进行调查, 采取适当的行动并坚持到底, and to comply with discovery obligations in the course of litigation and to disclose records under the public records laws. 局长会通知所有证人 and parties to protect the confidentiality of matters pertaining to its investigation, 包括正在进行调查的事实. 任何一方违反此保密可能导致纪律处分.
  6. Retaliation. 局长会通知所有证人, the complainant, and the respondent of the University's policies prohibiting retaliation against persons who in good faith file a complaint of discrimination or harassment or participate as a witness. 
  7. 迅速调查和补救行动. In all cases, the Director will begin investigation promptly upon receipt of the written complaint or verification that the summary of an oral complaint is accurate.. 局长可制定调查时间表, 哪些可以根据需要进行更新, 并将使各方和主管合理地了解该过程的状态. Whenever possible, 应完成调查和报告, 并将结果传达给各方, 在首次投诉后的六十(60)天内. When deemed necessary to protect the physical safety or emotional well being of the complainant or witnesses, 防止扰乱工作场所, 或者是为了方便调查, the Director, Civil Rights & Investigations, 与人力资源和主管协商, 可能建议立即采取行动, including transferring or placing an employee on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. 
  8. Documentation: The Director will maintain appropriate documentation of all aspects of the complaint and investigation process. 
  9. Reports. 在非正式或正式过程结束时, 局长将拟备一份书面报告,概述有关的事实调查结果, conclusions, and recommendations. 建议是与主管合作制定的. The report or a summary of the report will be submitted to the Provost and Executive Vice President if regarding a faculty member, 总法律顾问办公室, 负责分类和豁免工作人员的人力资源事务助理副总裁, the supervisor, 以及院长/部门主管(如适用). 局长还将向当事各方提供报告或报告摘要. 
  10. 对调查结果报告的回应:对局长的事实调查结果提出异议的一方, conclusions, or recommendations of the investigation may file a written response with the Director within ten (10) working days of the date the report or report summary was mailed or delivered to that party. 如果涉及教师,则将回复提交给教务长和执行副校长, 总法律顾问办公室, 人力资源助理副总裁,如果涉及豁免或分类人员, the supervisor, 院长或单位负责人. The Director may submit a written reply to the response within ten (10) working days of receipt if s/he determines that a reply is appropriate. Faculty and staff who wish to appeal specific disciplinary action should refer to the appropriate grievance procedures in the Faculty/Staff Handbook. All parties will be advised in writing of their response and appeal rights at the time they are presented with the final written report.

  1. 当收到投诉时, 局长和投诉人将审查非正式解决投诉的可能性. 如果署长认为非正式程序是适当的,并得到投诉人的同意, The Director will then perform an initial review of the complaint and discuss possible solutions with the complainant. 
  2. The Director will inform the person against whom the complaint is brought of its existence and allow that person an opportunity to respond. 
  3. 局长将通过文件审查进行初步事实调查, 对当事人的采访, 可能还会采访目击者, 主管和同事. Interviews are based on the specific information the witness has to contribute to the issues and whether such information is original or repetitive. 署长审查所提供或取得的所有文件. 
  4. 署长可作为调解人协助解决投诉, 或者可以要求其他大学办公室或工作人员协助. 这种非正式的解决方案可能包括与被调查者交谈, 被访者的主管, 或者双方在一起. 
  5. Informal resolution may be attained through mutual consent of the parties or through other remedial measures approved by the supervisor or unit manager, 包括但不限于强制性培训, a letter of apology, 当事人分离, 或者纪律处分.

民权办公室 & Investigations (OCRI) conducts comprehensive investigations of allegations of discrimination when those complaints cannot be resolved informally through consultation, review, or referral. OCRI作为一个中立的事实发现者. 基于民权办公室 & 调查的调查, 局长对违反政策的行为作出决定, and may, 与主管和其他人协商, 提出解决违规行为的建议. 所有正式投诉必须按照本政策以书面形式提交给署长. Formal investigations generally follow the procedures outlined below; however, 署长保留酌情权,可因应个别情况更改这些程序. 

  1. 在收到书面投诉后10天内, 署长会与投诉人会面,讨论有关指控, 解释非正式解决方案, 正式的调查过程, 保密的原则和限制, 收集初步数据. 校长也会告知投诉人他或她有权在大学以外的地方提出投诉, 给以下列出的州和联邦机构. The University may also make temporary arrangements to separate the parties while an investigation is pending.
  2. 基于对投诉的审查, 提供/收集的所有文件以及与投诉人或其他人的面谈, the Director will determine whether the allegations and initial factual findings warrant a formal investigation. 如果需要进行正式调查, the Director will notify the respondent and the appropriate unit manager that a complaint has been filed and will be investigated. If one or more of the allegations and/or initial factual findings indicate the complaint does not state a policy violation or is more appropriately addressed by a different University office, 署长会将投诉的该部分转介有关办事处. 
  3. 署长将向投诉人提供书面确认书,确认所调查的指控, and if applicable, 哪些指控是署长, 已经转到另一个办公室了吗. 署长会在调查过程中告知投诉人他或她的责任, as outlined below. 
  4. 署长将立即以书面通知答辩人有关指控, OCRI在正式调查中的作用, 以及保密的原则和限制. 署长会在调查过程中告知答辩人他或她的责任, as outlined below. The respondent must provide a written response to the allegations within 10 working days of receiving notice of the complaint. 
  5. The Director, 或其指定人员(统称“调查人员”)将与投诉人面谈, 被调查者和其他有相关信息的人. The investigators will interview individuals based on the specific information each witness has to contribute to the issues and whether such information is original or repetitive. 调查人员将审查在调查期间提供和获得的所有文件. 在确定是否违反了大学的政策, 调查人员将考虑有关指控的所有事实和情况, 包括各方的看法, 证人和其他掌握是否存在被指控行为信息的人. . 调查人员可以做出可信度判断. 
  6. If the investigators determine there is insufficient basis to conclude that a policy violation has occurred, 大学的调查就此结束. However, 适当的部门经理应该处理不违反政策的行为, 但被认为对单位或大学的福祉有害. 
  7. 监事应当负责执行调查人员的建议, 与人力资源服务或其他大学办公室协商, as appropriate, 确保遵守学校的政策和/或合同义务. 廉政公署会进行适当的监督,并在必要时跟进. 纠正或纪律处分可能包括但不限于:强制教育, 口头和/或书面谴责, 取消监管职责, demotion, 转让或重新分配, pay reduction, denial of pay raise, 终止或其他适当的纠正措施. 
  8. Copies of all reports, decisions, reprimands, and/or other resolutions by any University office or officer regarding the matter addressed by or in the investigation, 或纠正措施或解决方案, 应转交署长,以确保适当跟进.

这些程序适用于所有关于非法歧视的投诉, harassment, 包括性骚扰, 以及所谓的行凶者是365滚球官网员工的报复行为, 承建商或义工. Complaints against University of Idaho students are investigated by the Office of the Dean of Students in consultation with the director of the Office of Civil Rights & Investigations.


这些程序包括一般政策和程序, which apply to all investigations and the following complaint resolution options: (1) informal resolution; or (2) formal complaint investigation. 在这些过程中, supervisor, department chair, dean, 教员和单位经理统称为“主管”."

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Moscow, ID 83843

Mailing Address:
Moscow, ID 83843

Phone: 208-885-4285

Email: ocri@kgfascist.com